LRCK - Mihail Kogalniceanu airport
LRCK stands for Mihail Kogalniceanu airport
Here you will find, what does LRCK stand for in Regional Airport Code under Regional category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Mihail Kogalniceanu airport? Mihail Kogalniceanu airport can be abbreviated as LRCK What does LRCK stand for? LRCK stands for Mihail Kogalniceanu airport. What does Mihail Kogalniceanu airport mean?Mihail Kogalniceanu airport is an expansion of LRCK
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Alternative definitions of LRCK
View 2 other definitions of LRCK on the main acronym page
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- LPVZ Viseu airport
- LPTN Tancos airport
- LPVR Vila Real airport
- LPST Sintra airport
- LPSJ Sao Jorge airport
- LPSI Sines airport
- LPSC Santa Cruz airport
- LPSA Salemas airport
- LPPV Praia Verde airport
- LIS Lisboa airport
- LPPT Lisboa airport
- LPPS Porto Santo airport
- LPPR Porto airport